The Component
The ComponentLogos
DefinitionLogos target the readers’ rationality behind a subject. Logos introduces a series of logical reasons as to why the readers should side with the author.
Examples“Studies have shown that dogs provide many health benefits to their owners. In a Harvard study, ‘Dog owners have lower blood pressure…and a lower risk of heart disease, than non-owners (source).’ Heart disease is the leading cause of death; it would be foolish to not do everything you can to prevent it, so start today by adopting a dog!”
The ComponentPathos
DefinitionPathos is when an argument targets the reader’s emotions to create strong feelings towards a topic. Pathos is used to help readers connect to the author through vulnerable moments.
Examples“Over 3 million dogs are put in shelters each year. Nearly 700,000 of them are put down. Dogs have only ever wanted to love and be loved, why do they deserve this harsh treatment? Could you imagine being put in a cold, lonely place when your only goal was to feel at home in someone’s arms (source).”
The ComponentEthos
DefinitionEthos is when the author reveals their credibility and knowledge towards their argument. Ethos is used because individuals often trust those who have experienced something firsthand.
Examples“As I glance at my dog of ten years, examples flood my mind of the emotional, physical, and mental benefits of owning such an unconditionally loving animal.”